Tuesday, November 27, 2007

what have I been doing?

I can't believe I haven't posted since Oct 9th. I'm so bad...... BUT the truth is:

I'm a new mom - never had a child before - and OMG it's so much. Brody has been home for just over 3 months now - and it's amazing. He was amazing when we first "met" him ~ but to "meet" him today - he's totally different. Really out of his shell. Not as many challenges now as we use to have. He's just really cool (that's his favorite descriptive word).

I'm a full time working mother. So I have 2 jobs. That's right everyone 2!!! I work at the most awesome Internet company in the WORLD. LinkedIn!! www.linkedin.com So I work there M-F from 8 (or before) until 5 (or later).
What is a "typical" day? Is there such a thing?

5:30 AM: wake, shower, dress
6:10 AM: feed Butch and Bella
6:15 AM: wake Brody & start his breakfast. While breakfast is cooking, make lunch for Brody.
6:30 AM: dry hair
6:45 AM: take pugs for their morning walk.
7:15 AM: do make up - finish getting Brody ready.
7:20 AM: out the door to school (sometimes this could be earlier if everyone is quick)
7:35 AM: at the school for drop off.
7:40 AM: in car on way to work
8:00 AM : at work. Did I mention the best Internet Company in the WORLD www.linkedin.com
work work
work work
work work
5:00 PMish: leave work to pick up Brody
5:30 PM: at school for pick up
6:00 PM: home - feed Butch & Bella
6:05 PM: start the dinner
6:15 PM: walk the pugs (with Brody)
6:35 PM: home - Brody in the shower (still making dinner too)
6:45 PM: dinner
7:00 PM: Brody watches TV- I clean up from dinner and shower
7:30 PM: Brody to bed - read story
8:00 PM: Brody is asleep - I take care of the pugs some more, straighten up around the house
9:00 PM: sit and read or watch TV or catch up on emails (Christmas shopping online)
10:00 PM: get clothes out for work tomorrow
11:00 PM: go to bed to watch tv (news)
(so down probably 6 hours of possible sleep - I might get 4)

So where is the hubby during all this? around :-) LOL. Just kidding. For those of you that are new to the blog :) hubby is an amazing police officer. He works hard to keep our communities safe, for our children to grow up in. He is currently working 3 PM to 3 AM - so on his first day off, he'll pick Brody up from school early, around 3 PM. Then he's on duty that night with Brody, and the pugs. So I tend to stay at the office longer those nights (like tonight as an example - stayed until 6, went to the store, etc). Tomorrow morning, I'll sleep in until 6:30 AM - as Scott will take Brody to school. When Scott works weekends - it's long for me, because you must entertain a 4 year old pretty much at all times.
Thanks to my family, and some great friends, it's becoming easier. On weekends - Brody will sleep until almost 9, because I let him stay up until after 9 :-) so I get up around 7:30, clean, laundry, nice long walk with the pugs, etc.

So I'll try and make more posts - but bare with me :-)


Mom to Brody :-)