Brody is doing so awesome. He really has changed so much.
When we brought him home from Ghana in August 2007, he was wearing a size 3T, and the pants had to be adjustable waist, because even a 3T was too big in the waste. NOW, he's in a 5T. Amazing what a change in conditions will do, food that has all the nutrients he needs, vitamins, and the list goes on and on. While pants still must have the adjustable waist, it's only a few button holes now :-)
He looks so different. It is so funny to look at photo's from when he first came home, to a photo of last weekend.
This is Brody on August 25th, 2007
And look at him now!!! 2/23/08
Can you believe the difference?
Brody has adapted very well to his new environment. We do try and talk about Ghana to him, but he "pretends" not to remember any of it. But when you say something about it that is wrong, he'll correct you :-) I think that sometimes he doesn't want to remember it, and we hope that is only a phase. That some day, he'll want to remember where he is from, and what his roots are.
I have as many photo's as I could get my hands on from the time he was 3ish to current. I want him to have those to see. He very much remembers Jeremiah & Maria (or as he still calls them Felix & Paulina). They had such a bond, and I hope that never fades.
Brody's 5th birthday was awesome. We had a Scooby Doo themed party with his cousins over. and of course Papa & Donca.
It was such a great party, we played pin the dog tag on Scooby, we opened presents, and got some awesome stuff. We even got our first baseball glove & ball. Brody didn't understand why he only had 1 glove, he thought he should have 2 :-) But he's slowly learning that.
On Saturdays we are very busy. We have Little Gym every Saturday afternoon, and then we have our Sholin Kung Fu class. Brody is new to the Sholin Kung Fu, but boy did he pick it up. I'll take some photo's once we have our full uniform, it's so cute!
We are in the process of planning our summer vacation. It will be Brody's first real vacation. We went to Monterey for an over night, and we will soon go for a weekend for my cousin's wedding, but a real vacation!!! This will be a first. We are going to Yosemite again. BUT we are so excited that our friends will be coming out from CT to go with us. I just booked the cabin today - it's going to be awesome. Our friends have 2 boys, one about 7, the other about 3.5 so it will be great. I've bought a few games for them to play outdoors, while we are around the cabin. Ring Toss & Bowling. Of course Butch & Bella will be coming with us! They'll love it, getting to lay around in the woods for a week, oh what fun. I showed Brody photo's of our trip to Yosemite last year, he loved the pictures. and is very interested in the rafting trip.
I've gone on enough for one night, I'll try and post more regularly.
Cheer ~
Julz, Scott, Brody, Butch & Bella
that pic is so cute, he is such a little doll! we can't wait to see him again, and I PROMISE we will come up more often, we want to be part of his life!!!
Auntie Lee & Uncle Ernie
Hi Julz, Scott:
My husband & I have just started our home study and are very interested in Ghana. I was very lucky to have found you on the web:) Thanks so much for sharing your experiences with Brody. He is adorable. We are also trying to adopt and it was really nice to read about your experiences (both before and after). Thanks so much for sharing.
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