Tuesday, September 26, 2006

More Room Photo's

So I said I would post more photo's of the room - and here you go.
Things are really starting to come together ~ not in the photo here, but today Brody received 3 new stuffed animals from Auntie Lee & Uncle Ernie - okay so these two are completely spoiling Brody.....almost each day Auntie Lee goes shopping or we get a deliver (the UPS guy will hate us in the end)!!!!!
When I got home from work tonight we had big package from the US Department of Homeland Security. Never thought I'd be so happy to receive a package from them(LOL)!!! So what is this package? The package has our I171H along with the I600 to complete for the Visa for Brody. It also has a packet with information we should have for the International Adoption!! Very exciting.

So stay tuned......there is a light at the end of the tunnel.

Julz, Scott & Brody

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi you... so I have some questions! What about Brody's family? Do you know anything, like was he abandoned or has his family died? I keep wondering oh my gosh how will he adjust and all that. Also, is his given name Brody or is that the name you're giving him? And does he speak English?