Friday, December 08, 2006

This Just In......

This just in hot off the press.......(Auntie Lee are you happy now?)
{Photo: Brody in the front - Jeremiah is the other boy (Monica's son) }

Medical Report on Brody has been completed - that means that Daniel should have it - that means that he should file at the High Court SOON!!! That mean........getting closer!!!

Fingers crossed that we get a "adoption friendly" judge!!! Fingers crossed that we get an awesome Christmas present with our adoption being done there!!!!

So the Medical: he's healthy :-) LOL - he has a few bacterial skin infections - but they are being treated with oeintment. Everything else on him is NORMAL and clear!!! What a relief! I knew he was going to be fine, but there is always that waiting that causes you to start thinking of other things.

We will provide our doctor with these reports for final review, as they always have some medical terms that don't exactly make sense to me. I looked up a few things online to figure out what it meant, and we are still GOOD!!!

On another note ~ have no other updates on Brody this week. Thought we'd have a few more pictures! As you remember we sent over a digital camera to Edward in the hopes that he'd take photo's often of Brody and Maria & Jeremiah (Monica's kids) in their every day life so we'd have those to reflect on and in a way feel apart of. I'm hoping that we'll have something next week.

Christmas is just around the corner ~ I've decorated the house, the cards are in the mail for tomorrow, the stockings were hung.....this is what I had a hard time with......we hung mine, Scott's, Butch's & Bella's. We left Brody's down (even though bought and totally adorable) as it would be too hard to see it every day, and know that he's not going to be home for Christmas...... So tomorrow we are getting our tree ~ the shopping is almost done, just a few extra's to buy. We will not be adding any presents for Brody under the tree this year, as he can't open them, sure we could save them for him ~ but that just might confuse him to do Christmas in like Feb not really knowing what it is......

So will Santa find his way to Brody in Ghana this year? I'm thinking that maybe a little something needs to get out there for him, I'll talk to Lois about it during the week.....

My Christmas Wish List: Ghana Adoption Final!!!! That's not too much to ask is it? LOL.

Well wishing you all a very happy and safe holiday season ~ I know everyone is so busy during the holidays ~ enjoy every moment of it!!!


Julz, Scott, Brody, Butch & Bella


Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness! Julz, I just can't get over this picture. What a BEAUTIFUL smile Brody has! And man oh man check out all that healthy pudge on his chest, arms, and tummy!!!

Regarding Christmas...this is the second Christmas we've gone through with a kiddo identified but not yet home. It sucks! We got Bright an ornament and labeled it "First Christmas in Our Hearts" and next year he'll get one that says "First Christmas at Home." His stocking is hanging. It is a little sad to see it there, but he IS our son in our hearts, so he gets a stocking. We aren't buying any gifts for him but I know my mom has. That will be bitter sweet. We'll open them for him and add him to his "stuff" for when he comes home.

Hugs. I know you miss your boy so bad. This is the last Christmas you'll be without him.


Anonymous said...

Look at that AMAZING smile!!!! He is more and more beautiful every day! And I agree with Anita, look at his little belly! Looks pretty healthy to me! What a little doll.

As for Christmas - just knowing he will be yours soon should be a great present. Knowing that he has been approved for you and you for him, it's good enough for now and when he does arrive in your arms - who cares what the actual date is!!! It'll be the best day of your lives!!!! The best day in all of our lives who know you both! ;)

Love ya, miss ya,
Crazy Auntie Lee