Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Ghana Independence

Well today is the 50th Anniversary of Ghana's Independence. It's a beautiful thing. In 1957 Ghana was the first black African country to gain Independence, and many to follow.

The BBC has created a web page for African History: http://www.bbc.co.uk/africabeyond/ Lots of great information on here.

So not much news on the Adoption front. I heard from Lois today, no passport yet. Edwards guy says that he's doing everything possible to get them done quickly. A friend is over in Ghana right now (Hi Darren) visiting his son Justice. Because Darren is over there, Edward is with him until Sunday out in HoHoe. Therefore, we won't hear anything until next week :-( BUMMER! Good for Darren & Justice though.
So if you've been following you know that there are 2 other kids with Brody at the foster home. Maria & Jeremiah. Well Mom & Dad of these two is planning a trip to Ghana next week!! That's awesome for them. They are going to take tons of photo's of Brody for me, hopefully a carepackage for him too, and get measurements for me!!!! They are waiting for the passports to be done, and then they want to file their I600 themselves at the Embassy. That is so awesome. I just don't have the time to take off work right now to make that trip. IT would be so amazing if when at the Embassy, they just granted the Visa........ I'd want them to get Brody's stuff in for us to then......anything to make this go faster!!!

Okay well thanks for checking in, sorry not too much to report!

Julz, Scott & Brody (waiting to come home as a family from Ghana)

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