Monday, November 13, 2006

Care Package to Ghana

Well I know it's been awhile since we sent any sort of update. As most of you know we had a family emergency and were out of town for over a week. We thank all of you that were there for us, with support & love. So THANK YOU!!!!!

While we were gone we were able to check on emails every morning, and I did receive a message from Lois (LVI) saying that she was going over to Ghana on Thursday (11/16/06). WOW!!! Going back so soon. Lois was just there in August. It's an amazing thing that she's doing. She really takes that extra step as an agency director to make us families feel comfortable. Though it's true that Lois probably wouldn't need to head over so soon, IF things were running smoothly over there.

So here is where we are. We all thought that Daniel (attorney) was going to file our Adoption Application with the Ghana High Court, at the end of October. Well with no update, that concerned us. There was no court papers filed....and we wait. Our papers will be in the High Court by the end of Nov, and hopefully we'll have our adoption final in Ghana mid December. So that means no Christmas trip....... I do have to admit there was much sadness in finding out that we would not have our ultimate Christmas gift. Our little boy home. Now my wish ..... that he'll be home by his Birthday. For those of you that have been paying attention his birthday is 1/16/06 - OH MY GOSH - that's exactly 2 months away, I didn't even realize that until right now!!!!

So today we shipped up to Washington (where LVI is located) a care package for Lois to bring over with her for Brody. Contents: 4 T-shirts, 3 pair of short, 1 pair of light pants, 1 pair of sneakers that have the lights on them, 1 pair of sandals (yes the gray ones), 1 stuffed animal - a cow it's cute, 2 reading books, and our photo album that we created for him. The photo album includes photo's of us, the PUGS, his room, our home, vacations we've gone on and cool pictures of San Francisco, etc. We are hoping that with the stuffed animal that he'll be able to keep that with him always, and have it with him when we bring him home here, to help comfort him as it will be something "familiar" to him. Lois is going to tell Brody this weekend about us, and how he'll be coming to live with us and we'll be Mommy & Daddy. The pictures will be helpful for her to tell our story.

Did I tell all of you I bought a digital camera on EBay for Edward (driver & helper)??? Well I sent that in the care package too, I got the memory card for it too. Edward will have the camera soon, and be able to send photo updates SOON!!!

Lois did promise to take TONS TONS TONS TONS of pictures while she is there...... you know what that means??? new photo's very soon everyone. You are excited? think of how we feel??? We are beside ourselves right now.

Well the story for tonight is over........

Thanks again everyone for your love & support.

Hopefully we'll have a travel date in the next month!!! And yes we want all of you at SFO when we arrive with our little guy!!!

Love & Kisses,

Julz, Scott, Brody, Butch & Bella

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