Monday, May 07, 2007

Wow I did not realize that it has been almost a month since I posted. sorry to keep all of you waiting.
We have had a lot of ups and downs over the past month with the adoption process. the waiting and no real answers was becoming unbearable. Just when you think it could not become any worse - we received an email this morning from Lois at LVI stating that we needed to move Brody immediately out of his current foster care, because we terminated our contract. Even though - when we did terminate our contract we discussed with her, them staying there and just us taking over the payments. Apparently she's off her rocker, and even though she's in this for the children, still finds in her sick mind that it is OK to move them yet again, only a few short months from when we can go pick him up.
But - of course we acted on it quickly and with the help of the other family, who's 2 children are with Brody (they were told to move the children as well) - we have found a home for them to stay together. There is a wonderful woman by the name of Romana that is helping us out. She has a school at her home for children too, and they use mostly US School Text and have a focus on Phonics. So that is great news. She is going to pick them up tomorrow.
It is all so fast - but it had to be.
I'm sure now that LVI/Lois and Edward (LVI Ghana) have the email stating that Romana will be picking the children up tomorrow made her head spinning (backwards probably) that we did it that quickly.

So is there good news in any of this?

we got the passport - and the birth certificate.
Well I have copies of them now. They were given to another family that is there currently, for them to hand carry back to the states for us. We should have the originals next week. YIPPY YIPPY.

So we emailed that to the local USCIS office and hopefully they will turn around with a quick approval of our I600 - some families have received approval in just 1 day. WOW.

So other news: the US Embassy in Accra, Ghana is moving to a new building - that means no visas will be issued from June 6th - June 25 - I hope that we can get our approval ASAP and have it approved again in Ghana prior. Please keep your fingers crossed for that!!

Well that's all for now :-)

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